Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today has been quite a challenging day for me. Another trial on my journey of life, another unexpected surprise in battle. Another battle I could do without. I tell you, sometimes I feel like giving up! The only option I had was to make a choice whether I would fret and allow the circumstance I was going through to overwhelm me or rise above the tide that was coming against me. Life is full of choices and I realised that this was my opportunity to practice what I preached all the time. It's alright to encourage others to have faith and stand strong but when faced with the same adversity I wondered whether I would be able to display the same attitude I encouraged others to have. No matter what, you will be tested and proven by your own words. I tend not to panic when faced with difficult situations, as it causes more anger and confusion. Like a pregnant woman in labour about to deliver her baby, I realised that this is evidence that my breakthrough was just round the corner and I had to keep pushing despite the pain, regardless of the pressure.

My encouragement to you is to push despite your pain. Keep pushing and don't stop, you're just on the verge of your breakthrough. If you give up now you will never experience the joy that could have been, so keep pushing and don't give up now.

Victory comes through pain. There is no victory without battle. If an army does not go to war there would be no sweet taste of victory.

The breakthrough of any pregnant mother is the joy of having her baby delivered. I know that my joy is just round the corner and I choose not to give up now, though I am bit tired of going through the battle, I know that if I persist, I will surely experience the joy of breakthrough.

My choice is to keep pushing and not give up now. Can you push? I encourage and persuade you to push and not give up now. Your breakthrough is just round the corner!

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