Life is all about seasons. As a tree bears fruit in it's season, so does your life have it's own seasons. There is a dry season, where nothing seems to be happening at all and you begin to wonder why. There is a season for weeping and a season for laughter. A season of mourning and a season of rejoicing. For everything in life there is a season. If nothing is happening for you right now, maybe now is not the season for you but I assure you that your own season will come. Just as a tree bears fruit in it's season, so will you bear fruit in your own season if you are patient enough and do not give up. The tree does not give up and never complains because it knows it's seasons. When you understand the season you are in then you will be patient and not give up. Maybe you are going through a dry season right now, be patient and wait for the rainy season. If you are patient, soon enough you will begin to bear fruit. Remember, there is a season for every activity under heaven, so hang in there and be patient, your time of refreshing will soon come.