Thursday, January 31, 2008


The fear of the unknown is the greatest killer and destruction of the mind, body and soul,
The courage and boldness to take risk is the greatest success of achieving success,
The ability to limit oneself is the greatest downfall of mankind,
The agility to do, at the right time is the greatest fear of the enemy;
It is power in its own right,
It is authority, proclamation and an art of dominion that leads to a physical manifestation of one’s success,
You can think it,
You can dream it,
You can plan it,
You can organise it,
But if you do not act, what purpose is all the thinking, dreaming, planning and organising?
Oh this fear, what a foe…..
(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi-Daniel © All rights reserved)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


You know, I was just thinking about how easy it is for us to make friends with other people apart from our own family. It is easier for us because we don't live permanently with our friends as we do with our families and hence we don't really take each other for granted. It is easy to take your dad, mum, sister, brother, husband or wife for granted and not appreciate them because we see them everyday of our lives, we see all the good, the bad and the ugly side of each other, so instead of encouraging each other, loving each other and trying to find ways to make our lives better, we tend to drift apart, argue and quarrel more. Eventually we are torn apart by hatred. When communication within the family breaks down, it leads to utter destruction. Instead of criticising your family and comparing them to other loving families ,why not see the good in your own? What the other family has can also be built in your own if you are prepared to sacrifice and take the time to be patient and to love. Rome was not built in a day, remember? What can you make better in your family starting from today. Maybe you could buy somebody in your family a nice gift or give them a good word of encouragement. Tell them how beautiful they are and let them know how much you appreciate them. Don't worry if they reject your words, many people find it hard to accept good things initially but as time goes by, they will take it in. The most important thing is that you are building up your family in love. Nobody is too young or too old to love. Begin something new. As you sow the seed of love in your own, may you find abundant love and may God bind your family together with a cord that cannot be broken.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Friday, January 25, 2008


I made up my mind this year that I would not allow things to get to me and upset me. Whatever happens I am determined to take it in my stride and move on. I am not going to dwell on issues and let them get the better of me. It's a hard life as we all know. The world we live in is not getting better. You can't rely on anything anymore. Things have changed compared to the old days. A job is no longer for life, people are harder to trust, betrayal of trust happens so easily. No one is reliable anymore. If you trusted your mate with your life, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It's surely a hard life! What decision have you decided to make today? You have to decide on what your reaction to a hard life is going to be. Nobody promised anybody a bed of roses. Even roses have thorns, so you can't sit on it comfortably. Don't sit down and rely on others to make you feel better in yourself. You have to make up your mind to rise above every situation. I know it's not easy. I also find it hard to keep the momentum going at times but I am adamant that I am not going to allow anything, come what may, to drown me. I am not going to give in to the storms of life and allow the tide to carry me deeper into the ocean. I am determined to fight for dear life. It is only the army who endures to the end that will see victory. My prayer for you today is that you will find the strength to rise above your circumstances come what may. I pray that the grace of God will be sufficient for you and that you will find help in time of need. God bless you as you face another day. Make up your mind to stand in the battle for today no matter what. I wish you a good day but remember, it's a hard life!
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Maybe your spirit is crying out loud right now. You don't know where to turn. You are lonely, you need someone to talk to, there is nobody there. The voice of your spirit echoes in the tunnel of loneliness. Maybe you've never felt appreciated by others and you always seem to be left out. Making friends is not easy for you though it may come easy for others around you. The cry of your spirit is loud but your voice seems to come out only in a whisper, shouting for help but seemingly not heard. Don't worry, you are not alone. I would like to reassure you that God is with you whether you feel it or not. His presence is with you. He is ready and willing to come to the rescue. The big question here is will you allow Him? His hands are stretched out reaching out to you. Are you able to trust Him to save, do you believe that He takes great delight in you? He is ready to quiet you with His love. Are you willing to let Him. Maybe you should consider giving Him a chance? He is worth a try. Go on! I can hear the voice of a Father saying to his child, "Trust in me, give me a chance. I love you and I am willing to help. I am knocking at the the door of your heart, will you please let me in. I can't come in unless you open the door." God is trying to reach out to you right now, please open the door. Thank you.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Friday, January 18, 2008


You know life is so funny, you could wake up on a Monday feeling good and looking bright. Just a few hours into the day, your day could have suddenly changed into a cloudy and rainy day and everything suddenly starts going wrong.
Sometimes our emotions are like the British weather (apologies to my fellow brits! :) Like the weather is unpredictable, our emotions are also sometimes unpredictable. The key thing is we must not allow anything to get us down, this I'm sure is easier said than done!
Believe me, disappointments will come. Life is full of disappointments but we must hang on to hope. You have to cross over from the valley of your disappointment onto the mountain of your hope and victory. You might sometimes feel like you've been nailed on the cross of affliction and every stormy weather seems to head your way. There is an end to every storm. Sooner or later it will calm down and things will come back to normal. Don't take disappointment like it's the end of your life, you have to pick yourself up no matter how down you may feel. Feeling a bit down is normal and part of life but we must not allow it to overtake us otherwise we'll remain buried there. Take for example the grass that grows at the back of your garden, though it is trodden over and mown down so many times, before you know it another lot of grass shoots up again.

If you are feeling down right now, like the grass you need to shoot up again, don't give up and don't give in. You are precious. Hang on to hope, let it be your anchor and it will carry you through. A struggle to win makes the victory sweeter. Be determined to shoot up again.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Entering into the New Year means you've entered onto the next level. At every level there are challenges. Games on the Playstation have different levels. The higher you go, the tougher the challenge but the aim is to score as many points as possible at every level. What level are you at right now and what level are you aiming to get to? What are your goals in life? What are your dreams and aspirations and what do you desire to achieve in 2008? Remember, at every level there is a challenge but the challenge must not stop you from achieving your goals. Challenges are there at every level to move you on to the next level. If you are not able to knock down the challenges at one level you will not be able to move on to the next level. What are the challenges you are facing right now? Be determined to move on to the next level, be determined to face your challenges and knock them down at every level, be determined to remain on the victorious level. Your determination is the key factor to you being successful. You must persevere in the midst of adversity. 2008 will manifest its own challenges as with every other year but you must be determined to persevere in order to cross over to the other side into 2009. Keep on, keep strong, keep determined and stay calm. By the way, CONGRATULATIONS, you made it into 2008! Wishing you a very Happy New Year and a successful 2008! (Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)