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A Place Called 'THERE'
Imagine, you are on a journey, you don't know where you are headed. You keep driving, you don't know when you'll get there. You keep thinking, "it won't be long now, I'll soon get there." Where is there? The journey seems to be taking so long! Where are we really going? What is the destination? Who has the map of the journey in their hands? You seem to be lost. Are you lost? Are you looking for your destination but can't find it? You keep driving but don't know where you are going. You are confused, tired and hungry. You keep driving and wonder when you'll get there. You soon decide to stop over before you run out of petrol. You get to a place where there a lot of people and you decide to stop over. You heave a sigh, at last, somebody here might be able to help you on your way. With a smile on your face, you soon find yourself in conversation with some of the people there. Whilst chatting you find out that they also do not know where they are going but they are surely headed in the same kind of direction you're going, NOWHERE. You find out you are all going NOWHERE! The smile suddenly dissapears off your lovely face. There is a place called NOWHERE. You end up NOWHERE if you have not planned your journey properly. If you have no vision, you will end up NOWHERE. If you have no goals and no plans for your life, you will end up in a place called NOWHERE. You ended up NOWHERE because you had no plan in the first place! If you don't picture where you are going, you will end up going NOWHERE. You need to go back and start all over again, it's not too late, don't give up now. Go back, sit down, take your time and plan your life. Write your vision down. You have not failed, you just failed to plan. There is still hope whilst you are alive. It's not too late now. Rise up and don't give up. It's not over till it's over. Sit down and visualise where you would like to see yourself in a few years time. If you don't have a vision you will not get there. There is a place called THERE. You can only get THERE if you have a vision and a plan but if you don't take time to plan and write your vision down, you will end up getting NOWHERE! If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Before you do anything, take time to plan, you will get to the place called THERE.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)
I like the article. When one fails to make plans in life such a person plans to fail in life!
What shall I do? I know where God has called me to. My problem is my spouse doesn't believe! I have got to get to there! Does anyone have an answer? I pray I get there somehow some way. God bless you, Theresa
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