Doing something good for someone we know or do not know will not cost us.
Saying something nice to someone we know or do not know will not kill us.
Being nice to your neighbour will not cost you.
There is a need for love in the world. Love is what we crave. We all need love.
What is love?
There is a love called Eros. Eros is probably what most people mean when they announce with a smile, "I'm in love." As long as a couple is enjoying a romantic situation, eros can thrive. But, as soon as hurtful words or actions appear, eros simply evaporates.
The other type of love is called Philia. This is the love of friendship, best friends, and the fellowship of being with those people you enjoy. Although Philia is great, it too is not reliable since it is dependent on ours and other people's perceptions and expectations. Unfortunately, we probably all know of a friendship which waned or was severed because of distance, harsh words, how someone interpreted another's actions, etc. Philia then really cannot be true love.
What is true love?
True love is called Agape. This is the love we all need. It is based upon the committment of a decision. A decision to be selfless in loving. This means you have made up your mind to love regardless of situation, perception or circumstance. It entails the decision to proactively seek someone's well-being. This is called Agape Love - a committment to love regardless of who you are and what I can get from you. Agape says, "I love you despite what you did to me." A real friend seeks the wellbeing of others instead of his own.
Today's valentine might be your enemy of tomorrow, there is no guarantee. A life of love is a sacrificial life. What is your choice, Eros, Philia or Agape? The decision is yours. My encouragement to you today is to live a life of true love (Agape). True love never fails.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)