I can hear the voice of hopelessness and despair screaming out loud desperately aiming its arsenal of lies and worthlessness at so many. You might be thinking, “Is my life really worth it? My life is worth nothing!” Let me encourage you today, you may not be worth much in the sight of man, but you are worth much more than many sparrows in the sight of your Maker. Your Creator certainly thinks you are worth it! Why? Because He created you and made you in his own image and what He made was good and is still good in His eyes.
Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft Inc. would not have spent so much time on Microsoft Technology and invest his time and effort on it if he didn’t think it was worth it. So much time and effort was spent on what he believed was worth it. Nobody believed in his ideas initially, but guess who’s laughing the last laugh now? Those who believed in him or those who doubted his ability? I wonder what would have happened if he doubted and did not believe in himself? God created Bill Gates for a reason and a purpose and we are all reaping the fruit of it now. He believed in himself, doubted his doubters and did not take no for an answer! He is well worth it, isn’t he? This is the reason why I am saying that in the eyes of your Maker you are worth it, your life is worth it. You were created for a reason and a purpose. Don’t believe a lie; believe in yourself instead of looking for approval from others. God would not have spent so much time in creating and bringing you into this world if He did not believe you are worth it. You are not an error; your life is certainly worth it.
The world is a battle field; we must stand and fight in the midst of the battle. I am encouraging you today, fighters never quit, and it is time to stand up and fight back. Be a fighter and not a quitter, don’t give up, you are worth it! Your life is worth it. You may not feel like it, but you are still worth it! Let hope be the anchor of your soul. You are not a waste of time, you are not a failure, and you are not a mistake. You are not worthless; you must hang in there and fight back. In order to be strong, we must keep hope alive and persevere in the midst of the chaos that has overtaken our world today.
Many are going through a lot of tribulation and trials, uncertainty rules our world, violence and anarchy has become the order of the day and the youth are following the example they see of our leader’s deceitful and greedy ways. The world is full of cactus, but we don’t have to sit on it. We must make up our minds to fight back and not give up. If we give up, then hope will die and our expectation cut off. Like a soldier at war, it’s not over until it’s over, so refuse to give up in spite of the challenges being thrown your way.
I encourage you today, as I encourage myself also that all will be well, but it is only the brave and courageous that will stand till the end. Stand therefore and do not cast your hope away, it has great recompense of reward. Your life is certainly worth it.
In the words of an unknown author, “Everyday may not be good, but there’s something good in everyday.” I encourage you to see the good in everyday and make the best of it. We may not be able to direct the wind, but we can surely adjust the sails. Your life is worth it when you make the best of each day and adjust your sails to see good in everything. Our attitude towards life is what makes a big difference in spite of what we might be going through. It’s not what life takes away from you that counts, it’s what you do with what you have left that matters. Make your life worth it by adjusting your sails and making the best of what you have left. Your life is certainly worth it, I encourage you today, don’t give up on it!