Hope you're having a good time, wait a minute.
Is this another holiday or another celebration?
A time to rest or a time to reflect?
What is your reason for celebrating Easter?
Is it about Easter eggs or about Jesus?
You see, many have forgotten the reason for this season.
I’ll tell you a little story……
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) that whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish (eternal damnation) but have everlasting life (eternal life)….
Jesus Christ went on the cross; He died and took our pains and shame away. He redeemed us and bought us back into the family of God’s people with HIS blood. On the 3rd day, Easter Sunday (some argue Easter Monday – none the less on the 3rd day however), HE rose again defeating the enemy and setting us free from sin and death.
Not to get too complicated…….
Walking with Jesus means walking in peace,
Walking with Jesus means walking with joy
Walking with Jesus means walking in love
Let us reflect on what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary .
What do we need to get rid of and what do we need to gain?
Think about it…..Meditate on it and I pray God to open the eyes of your heart to see and understand the reason for this season Easter.
Have a lovely Easter and remember, God loves you and so does Jesus and hey….I love you too….
(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi Daniel © All rights reserved.)