Are you passionate, full of energy and drive? Are you a go-getter, always making sure things are done and constantly keeping busy? Do you have what I call ‘zest for life? Are you never worn down by disappointments? Do you see disappointments as an opportunity to be turned into an appointment? Are you a David who is never afraid of the Goliaths of this world, constantly knocking them down? Do you turn your fear into confidence by learning to take a risk? Are you a mountain climber who is never afraid of heights? Do you take one day at a time and see each day as an opportunity to do better than yesterday? Are you a fighter? If you said ‘yes’ to anyone of these questions then that’s great because the world needs you right now. Not everyone is born with all these qualities but we can rub off on others and make their lives better with whatever great attributes God has bestowed upon us. Can you help others fulfil their potential by imparting some of your drive, energy and confidence in others? Then the world needs you right now. Are you able to help others turn their weaknesses into strength? Then the world needs you. Who you are is who you are. God has made you who you are for a reason. I see you as one of the world’s great assets and I hope you also see yourself the same way. Who you are is not a negative but a positive to energise someone else’s weakness. Using your strengths to help lift others in times of weakness and helping turn their weakness into strength is a great attribute and a blessing that money cannot buy. We are all apprentices in this world but it takes a great person make a great person. It takes someone giving another person an opportunity to fulfil their potential in life. Are you helping others fulfil their potential? Some don’t know what they have until someone else points it out to them. Are you one of those? Then be proud of yourself because the world needs you right now, so be who you are!(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)
1 comment:
Realmente, o mundo precisa de mim!
Sempre soube disso, mas agora que você disse eu tenho certeza!
Obrigado por reconhecer, alguém precisava de reconhecimento aqui!
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