When you feel low in yourself it’s always good to talk to somebody who is reliable and can be held in confidence. Feeling low is not a bad thing, as it is a feeling that we all have at some point or the other. The key thing is not to allow your feeling to overcome you to a point where you descend into depression, as depression is more difficult to deal with. It is important to find a source of encouragement where you can get some advice, prayer or support of some kind. Remember, you are not alone; there are thousands of people going through the same road. Help must be sought in time of need, if not this leads into isolation and danger. If you are feeling low right now remember there are plenty of people worse off than yourself. Look up and try and see the brighter side of life. Nobody promised us a bed of roses but if we choose to look on the bright side, things could be better. Whatever you are going through try and keep hope alive. Try and look up. Try and do something to make the situation better. You are the important one here, you are valuable, you are worth more than many sparrows, and your life is worth much more than money can buy. There is no one like you, you are unique, you are special, just believe in yourself and keep hope alive. There is light at the end of the tunnel, so don’t give up just yet. Somebody out there needs you so don’t cut your life short.
I leave you with an Inspirational Phrase by Groucho Marx and I hope it blesses you:
"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."~ Groucho Marx
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)