Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things Money Cannot Buy

Money cannot buy you the finer things in life, for instance, your health.
Money can’t buy you happiness or joy, in fact, it causes you more pain.
Money cannot buy you peace, it can destroy an entire family.
Money cannot buy you life; only God is the giver of life.
Money cannot give you security, it only creates more fear.
Money cannot set you free, it enslaves you for fear of losing it all.
Money rules and dictates, it gives false hopes and creates more enemies.
Money does not bring true friends your way, it brings followers.
Money soon becomes an idol, if not careful, you begin to worship it.
Money can change you from being nice and humble to being proud and arrogant.
Don’t lose the finer things that money cannot buy, always remember to check.
Check once in a while that you have not lost the things that money cannot buy.
Do not make money your god, as there is no such thing as exactly enough in money.
It always makes you want it more.
Be careful what you do with it, make sure you spread it around.
If you hoard it, you will lose it, if you give it, you will gain more.
Invest your money and change the lives of others.
Help it give hope, feed the hungry, help the poor.
Money is a spirit, if you disrespect it, it will disrespect you.
If you are humble with it, you will obtain grace and favour.
If you are proud and look down on others, you are setting yourself up for a great fall.
Remember, the higher you climb, the more risk you have of falling a great fall.
Nobody is guaranteed they cannot lose it, so remember those you met on your way up.
Don’t forget them, as they might be your helpers on your way down.
(Written by Ladé, 2008 © All rights reserved.)

1 comment:

Julia said...

Think we all need to remember this from time to time especially around the very commercial time of Christmas approaching x