Sunday, October 11, 2009

What is true peace?

One thing the world lacks is peace. Every man deserves to have peace. Every home needs peace and understanding in order to maintain progress. The world loves power but it lacks the power to love. Without understanding, peace cannot be achieved. We bleed in war because we are not prepared to work hard towards achieving peace. The love of power has superseded the power of love. Our world is hungry for peace, it is thirsty for peace, and it is searching for true and lasting peace. World leaders are constantly talking about peace but the void remains to be filled. They have tried and failed.

What is the answer to achieving true and lasting peace in our world, in our home and the environment? What is the answer to having the peace you might have been searching for in a long time? You might be asking, “How can I achieve having peace in my life? Where is the peace I thought I would find in my home and family? How can I experience true and lasting peace in a depraved and wicked world?”

The answer to having true and lasting peace begins with you and me. We must be able to determine in ourselves and make a decision as to whether we would embrace peace or destroy it. Are we going to cling to the past or look to the future and are we going to open our arms or clench our fists. If we want peace on earth, in the family, in the environment and in the home, it must begin with us. I encourage you today to maintain peace in all that you do. Seek peace and pursue it. We lack peace when we forget that we belong to each other. Peace can only be achieved through the power of love; you cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.

I wish you peace in all that you do.
(Written by Ladé © 2009 All rights reserved.)

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