The fear of the unknown is the greatest killer and destruction of the mind, body and soul,
The courage and boldness to take risk is the greatest success of achieving success,
The ability to limit oneself is the greatest downfall of mankind,
The agility to do, at the right time is the greatest fear of the enemy;
It is power in its own right,
It is authority, proclamation and an art of dominion that leads to a physical manifestation of one’s success,
You can think it,
You can dream it,
You can plan it,
You can organise it,
But if you do not act, what purpose is all the thinking, dreaming, planning and organising?
Oh this fear, what a foe…..
(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi-Daniel © All rights reserved)
The courage and boldness to take risk is the greatest success of achieving success,
The ability to limit oneself is the greatest downfall of mankind,
The agility to do, at the right time is the greatest fear of the enemy;
It is power in its own right,
It is authority, proclamation and an art of dominion that leads to a physical manifestation of one’s success,
You can think it,
You can dream it,
You can plan it,
You can organise it,
But if you do not act, what purpose is all the thinking, dreaming, planning and organising?
Oh this fear, what a foe…..
(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi-Daniel © All rights reserved)